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Sleep Routine: Everything You Need to Know
Good morning everyone!! Some of you that have followed me on Instagram for a while know that we practically started sleep training River as soon as he was born. Well, not really.. but around three months he was sleeping through the night in his own room.
Why the rush? if one can call three of the longest months of our lives a rush. The truth is, I am not my best self without sleep. I didn’t know that till I had children. My creative mind has a very hard time functioning without sleep. I know you all can relate.
A girlfriend recently asked me how we got our kids to sleep throughout the night in their own bedrooms at such a young age. An answer I had to really think about. How in the heck did we do it? Quick answer, we didn’t give in! It’s so easy to do what’s comfortable in the moment. I’ll be the first to tell you, anything that is easy in the moment will make like a lot harder in the long run.
Today, I will be sharing some tips and tricks that we have implemented for River and Walkers sleep routines, but this blog is more about our personal experiences and by no means is this going to work for everyone!
River’s Sleep Routine (2 years old):
for us, having a schedule is so important. As early as three months we have had a schedule for both the boys and stuck with it as close as possible. Of course some days we had to make adjustments… but for the most part we are very consistent.
River goes down at 8:00 pm, either Tim or I will get him ready for bed. We have a routine and we stick with it. Every night he gets a bubble bath. To help unwind this very active toddler we use a relaxation lavender bubble bath. I have noticed it really calms him down at night and he enjoys the bubbles. After his bath he brushes his teeth. Around one years old we got him an electric alligator toothbrush to get him more engaged in the process. He loves it! Tim reads him a book our two and then its time for bed. We don’t have any toys in Rivers room because this boy will stay up all night if he had the option. We don’t even have a night light in his room because it would take his focus away from sleep. Now, that might change once he gets a little older, but for now it’s just him, a dark room, his doggy and blanket. That works!
We decided that once Walker was born we were going to try the same sleep training routine as we did with River. The sleep training system is called “awake, eat, play, sleep” principles, the main idea is to separate eating and sleeping. We modified the schedule so that during Walkers nap he goes to sleep without a bottle, but at night we give him both. In the program, you are not supposed to do this, but it is something that works for us. We are planning on weaning him off both the bottle and pacifier, around one years old.
Rivers schedule- 2 years
8:00 Wake
8:30 Breakfast
11:00 snack
1:00 Lunch
1:30 Nap
4:00 Wake and snack
7:00 Dinner
7:30 Bath and ready for bed
8:00 Bed
Walkers schedule- 6 months
7:30 Wake and eat
8:10 Play
9:00 Nap
11:00 Wake and eat
11:50 Play
1:00 Eat
1:30 Nap
3:30 Wake and eat
4:10 Play
5:00 Cat nap
6:00 Wake and eat
8:00 Eat
8:20 Bed